Christian Saxenhammer



Saxenhammer Christian Saxenhammer

Christian Saxenhammer


Automotive industry Industrial products and services Consumer Goods and Trade




Christian Saxenhammer is CEO of Saxenhammer.


Christian gained his first M&A experience when he successfully sold his family's engineering company at the age of 21. After studying European economics in the UK and Germany, Christian Saxenhammer joined the restructuring department of Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. He then moved to Lincoln International, where he was Managing Director of the Special Situations Group. In 2006, he then founded his own M&A boutique with a focus on cross-border M&A transactions in the mid-market segment. Saxenhammer has since advised on more than 400 M&A and debt capital transactions in all major industries in Germany.


Christian is one of the most experienced investment bankers in Germany and regularly publishes articles on corporate finance topics. He is currently the author of a forthcoming guide on private placements.


  • Managing Director, Lincoln International, Mittelstand Investment Banking
  • Senior-Consultant, Roland Berger Restructuring
  • Analyst, Commerzbank London, Corporate Banking


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